For any owner of a period property owner, home improvement projects almost always demand careful consideration if the original character of the property is to be maintained. Where once those who hoped to retain the character and charm of their period property were restricted to single pane windows and unsightly secondary glazing for any semblance of energy efficiency, today, times have changed. Let’s take a look at all the 21st century has to offer when it comes to uPVC Windows for the period home.

Timber and Timber Alternative Windows

Timber windows have long since been the solution of choice for period homes, however timber alternative materials have advanced so much in recent years, that they are today practically undistinguishable from the real thing by the naked eye alone. Although with that said, you may be surprised to know that recent research has found timber to be more effective in terms of thermal efficiency when compared to uPVC windows.

The defining difference between real timber, and timber alternative windows then often comes down to the level of maintenance that you’re prepared to commit to.

Casement windows

Casement windows feature in homes of many eras – from the 1700’s cottage, to the 1930’s suburban semi. Whilst these windows are firmly in the realm of uPVC windows, they certainly

offer traditional charm and can complement the aesthetics of a period home.

Sash windows

Staggering numbers of homes sprang up during the Victorian era (which isn’t so surprising, given that a baby boom almost doubled the UK population during this time). Unfortunately, relatively few such homes still have sash windows – what we now often see in their place are contemporary uPVC windows.

uPVC sash windows present an alluring alternative for those who have a Victorian property, or any period property where sash windows were commonly in place (such as Edwardian or Georgian homes); not only are such windows now more authentic in terms of the mock timber material, but they also allow for serious kerb appeal – something that may be the difference between making the sale, or not, come the time you wish to move on.

The importance of choosing the right installer

Whilst you’ll want to undertake plenty of research as to your options for uPVC windows for your period property, there can be no replacement for expertise. We have experience, and we only ever use the most reputable of brands. We use Bygone Windows for our sash window solutions, as well as working with Evolution Windows and Residence 9 – both of which are brands held in high esteem for period property projects.

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The planning department

Some period homes will be subject to local planning laws in relation to what windows can be installed; there may also be thermal efficiency guidelines that you will need to adhere to (such as new units being double glazed).

Where the building is listed, consent must be gained from the local council if the design, method of opening or material of the window is to be changed. Typically speaking, consent is rarely granted to double glazed windows, even where the design is to replicate the windows being replaced. In this instance, you can increase energy efficiency in other areas – such as roof and floor insulation, thermal lined curtains and secondary glazing.

To confirm the considerations that apply to your property, you should contact your local planning department.

With extensive experience of the sympathetic, measured and well-researched approach that period homes demand, 1st Scenic should be your first port of call for window renovations for your period home. Call the team at 1st Scenic Ltd, Kent – 01689 829 600, you can also email us via: