1st Scenic fits a variety of uPVC windows in properties across Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent and London. we give our customers the choice of several window styles, ensuring you get the best fit for your Kent home. reach out to our team today to find out which of our UPVC windows we can fit in your property.
Several window styles to choose from
As a business, we know there isn’t simply one window that fits every Tunbridge Wells home. that’s why we give our customers the choice of several UPVC windows for your home improvements project. the styles we can install include casement windows, bow & bay windows, and sash windows. All these windows perfectly complement every type of Kent home.
All our upvc windows can be created to match your Tunbridge Wells property. we give our customers the choices of several colours and woodgrain foils, letting you match your window to the existing double glazing at your home. Other extras we can add to the design include decorative glazing and handles, giving you a truly bespoke window.
Reduced energy bills
You’ll be doing your bit for the environment by investing in our UPVC windows for your Tunbridge Wells home. The multi-chambered uPVC profile works alongside the panes of double or triple glazing. This creates a barrier that will trap in pockets of warm air throughout the year.
Even in the coldest of winters, the Kent homeowner will enjoy natural warmth within their home thanks to our uPVC windows. This allows the Tunbridge Wells homeowner to rely less on their central heating to warm their property, which will lead to lower energy bills. As less energy is consumed within your property, the carbon footprint of your home will shrink.
Modern security
It’s important that the Tunbridge Wells homeowner feels safe within their property. With our uPVC windows, you’ll secure your property against modern burglary methods. The multi-chambered upvc frame works alongside the panes of double or triple glazing, creating a rigid structure. multi-point locking is then fitted across the window, which removes any potential weak points that could be exploited by would-be intruders.
A great replacement window
If you’re looking to replace windows at your Tunbridge Wells home, our uPVC windows are the best choice. These windows are suited to modern and traditional properties alike, providing far more benefits that timber alone. One way this is achieved is through their excellent weatherproofing capabilities.
The uPVC profile used to make our uPVC windows are fitted with weatherseals. This will stop cold draughts and damp from disrupting the comfort of your property. Even in the strongest of storms or heavy rain, the elements will not come into your home.
Low maintenance build
Unlike the old timber design, our uPVC windows require less maintenance. Even after regular exposure to the elements, the window frame will now bow, warp, crack, twist, flake or discolour. The only maintenance required for our uPVC windows is to give them an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth, maintaining the good-as-new look.
We’re with you- from design to construction, and beyond
Through choosing 1st Scenic for uPVC windows, you’ll benefit from a double glazing installer that is there every step of the way. From the very first consultation right up until completion. Our team will listen to the needs of the Tunbridge Wells homeowner and offer the best impartial advice. This means you’ll only be paying for products that you need for the project.
1st Scenic uPVC windows in Tunbridge Wells
– your 1st choice (here’s why)
If you’re trying to choose between companies for your uPVC windows, here are three solid reasons to make 1st Scenic your first and only choice.
We don’t begin with materials, specifications and diagrams – we begin with you.
You need to be certain that you’re choosing uPVC windows that offer the best fit for your home. That’s why we work alongside the Tunbridge Wells homeowner to fully understand what they’re after for their property.
1st Scenic estimators are experts in home improvements- not specialists in sales
Don’t expect anything but professionalism from our team. We never pressurise or speak in jargon. Our team will only suggest the best uPVC windows for your Tunbridge Wells home, not the most expensive.
1st Scenic Offers the Kent Homeowner Quality Products as Standard
Each of our uPVC windows has been designed from the best profile and built to last. We accompany each with a guarantee of quality, providing peace of mind that you’re getting the best for your Tunbridge Wells home.
uPVC window prices Tunbridge Wells
If you’d like to discuss our uPVC Windows products for your Tunbridge Wells or Kent home, get in touch today. You can call our team on 01689 829 600 or email us via info@1stscenic.co.uk and a member of our team will be back in touch.
For those who know what product they need for their home, start an online quote today.
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